Saturday, August 30, 2008

boys will be boys.....

blake and raegan went to the ohio state game today so z and i stayed around home and just hung out. i had a shoot this morning so he went to mamoo and papa's for a bit. when i picked him up he came running to the car with a large zip lock bag. it had something in it that i couldn't figure out. i thought it may be a praying mantis with some leaves because yesterday he had a tragic episode with one. he was so proud when he found it on our screened porch and carefully persuaded it into his little bug house. if you look closely at this first picture, you can see it in the circle on the left.

this is him imitating the praying mantis.....

this is him after he realized that daphne (our six month old puppy) had taken off with the bug house. we still don't know what happened to the praying mantis!

so back to the ziplock was a TOAD!! YUCK!! and boy was he proud. he insisted on bringing it home so we put it in a tall trashcan for the transport. he thought our window well would be a perfect home since that is where he found it. so here he is crawling down into the window well and releasing him into his new home.

and climbing out after a job well done!

so for those of you who know me well or know me at all...this was very much out of my comfort zone. i certainly wasn't excited about the transport or about him handling the toad, but i had to let go of my phobias for a few minutes to let him be a boy! and in the process i was rewarded with a few very cute pictures. some of my favorites in a long time. in fact, one of them may end up on a canvas!

one more thing.....your just dying to see some pictures from raegan's first ohio state game, right? me too! they didn't take a camera!!!!

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